March 18, 2017

R.A.L. - Who Do I Represent?

To find out who I represent, I dug out NASFAA's annual report published in October of 2016.

There are 2,936 institutional members of NASFAA.

38.9% of the membership are from non-profit schools.  The next largest group is community colleges at 27.5% and then public institutions at 19%.  For-profit and graduate schools make up the remaining 14.6%.

Small schools (enrollments of 1,000 to 4,999) comprise 45.5% of the membership.  Tiny schools add another 26.7%.  Mid-sized schools represent 14%.  The big guys? The remaining 13.7%.

This research has me relieved.  I work at an institution that represents a large portion of NASFAA's membership.  For perspectives on the rest, I have my friends.