March 1, 2017

Distance Traveled

Distance traveled – a phrase that refers to how much ground an object in motion has covered.  What I love about where I work is that we care about this – distance traveled.  Of course, the normal way to relay this concept is to use the phrase lifetime learning.  But I like to define it in terms of the result – distance traveled.

In many ways, as I look back on this blog, it is about distance traveled.  Journeys begun.  Journeys ended.  And thankfully, a journey in progress.  The further you get from the place the journey started, the more clearly you can see it.  In contrast the future remains firmly in the fog.

In January, a little of the fog parted and more of the past became clear.  I was elected to serve as a Representative at Large on the board of the National Association for Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).  It’s an honor.  It’s humbling.  It’s another real opportunity to travel some distance.  Let’s go!