There is now more than one female in the household! Just before Thanksgiving, we drove to the Cowley County Humane Society and adopted ourselves a Beagle mix with floppy ears that we have named Tobey.
Tobey is white with liver colored spots and looks a little more like a miniature Pointer than a Beagle. She’s all heart, tons of energy and very, very smart.
We spent about two hours picking her out. We walked the cages and narrowed our choices to two dogs that we looked at a bit further. Tobey and a Rottweiler mix named Riley.
Riley was a beautiful sable color and perfectly behaved in her cage. When the employees brought her out to play with us, we quickly discovered that though Riley was really cool and could play catch really well, she was a little too much dog for our couch time loving family.
So we moved on to the other very well behaved selection – Tobey. Prior to arriving at the Humane Society, Tobey was a stray. She immediately stole our hearts by giving each of us, in turn, a hug. It was all downhill after that.
Tobey (which means Gift of God), is now a regular member of the household. We are nursing her through a few anxiety issues and had to take care of a slight flea and stomach problem right after we got her. But otherwise, she is a happy, healthy dog. She likes her chew toys, enjoys tug-of-war and already knows how to “Sit.”
She’s got tons of personality and can escape from a crate that has been fastened shut with a key ring. She chews nearly everything in sight and has already destroyed part of an end table, a corner of a rug, several pencils, and a wooden baby Jesus. She’s helping us keep the rooms of our house picked up.
In short, we love her very much. She’s a perfect fifth family member and we are glad that God brought her into our life.