July 8, 2017

Rep at Large - It's Official

Nothing like seeing your name in lights.  But there it is.  As of the NASFAA conference business meeting and the end of this year's annual conference, I have officially begun my two year service as a member of the NASFAA Board of Directors.

And I have a feeling I will be in for a very interesting ride.

I had the opportunity to sit in the peanut gallery of the current board of directors to "dip my toe" back into the waters of NASFAA service.  I have also already received two official board memos from the NASFAA President, Justin Draeger.  I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back in the saddle and part of the game.

But there is one point of bitter sweet.  This conference was Jeff Baker's last.  Jeff is the Department of Education's Policy Liaison and Implementation Director.  I have received my most up-to-date federal news from Jeff since the moment I first arrived on the scene in financial aid.  He was one of the reasons that I knew I was going to fall in love with this profession.  Here was this crusty old guy (and I think he would be ok with me describing me in this way), who had to say some pretty controversial stuff at times, but who was real, authentic and honest in his delivery.  His dedication to financial aid and his job was easy to observe.  His interest in listening to the financial aid community and his understanding of the challenges we face was a relief.  His shoes, and the imprint they have made, are large indeed.

I will miss Jeff.  And Jeff, in answer to your comment during your final Federal Update, when you were talking, I totally was ALWAYS taking notes.