March 25, 2014

New Mexico - Day 9

We got up and drove straight home today ready to be back in our own beds, on our own elevation and in familiar territories.  It isn’t much, but we cheered a little when we crossed the Walnut River – “LOOK, WATER!”

Shortly after leaving the interstate, Ross looked around and said, “You know?  Except for the cacti and the mountains, this place looks a little like New Mexico.”  We agreed that what we lacked in flora and elevation, we made up in fawna and H2O.
We are five Christmas ornaments richer – scoring some sweet memories at Carlsbad, White Sands, the Buddy Holly museum, the Big Texan and…weird
somehow one from Roswell NM showed up in the batch.  It has “Museum” on it.  No idea how that got there.

A good trip was had by all.  We all agreed this one was one of our best.  After putting all the pins in the places we had been and mounting our newly acquired Junior/Senior Ranger swag, Ross and I stayed up fighting jet lag and dreaming about where we should go next year…..