July 6, 2011

Washington - Day 6 CORRECTION

First of all, I owe the family a correction on my last posted blog. We did not go back to the apartment for egg sandwiches. We went out. We went out because the whole day it was Sam's birthday! Our little boy is now 13 years old. A fact that my brain is apparently choosing to deny at present.

The importance of the date was proudly displayed on Sam's ID that we presented proudly to the White House Secret Service -- who did not comment. The guide at the Wilson House did. She wished him Happy Birthday as soon as it was discovered.

Nonetheless, he had a good day. By evening, he wanted a steak to celebrate. The nearest place to get one of those was Mr. Henry's -- a good, old fashioned Capitol Hill pub. We ate outside and watched the Saturday Washingtonians go about their weekend celebrations. Sam and Ross both agreed that their steak was one of the best steaks they had ever eaten, so the evening party was a success!

Sam also gave his mother a great complement. When the waiter asked how he would like his steak cooked, he said, "I want it how you cook it, mom." Made my heart melt.