And, for the first time in 20+ years of traveling, my airplane reservation made on Travelocity failed me. Apparently the
payment, which I confirmed and paid for long ago, was never forwarded to the airline we were flying (AirTran). Consequently, having not received payment for their services, AirTran cancelled our reservation. According to the gals at the ticket counter, "this happens a lot."

So, we spent an extra 35 minutes standing at the ticket counter conversing with the folks behind the desk while John at Travelocity "worked on it." Victoria and Christine at AirTran Wichita were very professional through it all. John kept checking back with me on the phone to let me know he was still around and hadn't left me hanging. All in all, it was a nerve wracking, but pleasant 35 minutes. We laughed. We chatted about the Southwest buyout and what that meant for the AirTran employees in Wichita. We met some new friends and we finally
were checked in on the 12:00 p.m. plane. We breezed through security where the boys were teased by an officer with an awesome sense of humor. And, due to fantastic weather, we arrived in Washington DC ahead of schedule.

When I processed the events of the day later that evening, I think that our little hiccup was another way that God was reminding me that I was on vacation. I should slow down. I should enjoy the people around me. I should focus on having a good time. Great advice, really. Great advice for always.
We landed at Reagan National from the south. Looking out the window, Isaac (my travel buddy) was convinced we were going to land in the Potomic. But, we didn't. Instead we got some great views of sailboats docked at a marina nearby and we experienced a tiny thrill as we taxied across
an active landing strip at a very busy airport. I would never want to be an air traffic controller. Those people must go through bottles and bottles of Tums.
DC is by far the largest city the boys have experienced. We hopped on the Metro together and headed to what was to be our home for the next few days. We reserved an apartment on Capital Hill through vrbo.com. We could not be more pleased with the location and Joe and Sandy (our apartment owners and upstairs neighbors) were super through the reservation and pre-game process. We had excellent walking directions from the Eastern Market stop on the Metro and enjoyed a tree-lined walk through Capital Hill row houses, evening dog walkers, diners and gardeners on a beautiful June evening.
Joe and Sandy met us by name as we arrived and showed us around the
apartment. After a little moving in and unpacking, the boys and I trekked a short 3 block walk to a corner market for breakfast and snack supplies. The boys helped me carry the groceries back - Sam carried the gallon of milk as this was a good substitute for the weight training that he would be missing while we were gone. And we hunkered down for the night in front of the TV.
We're here, Washington. And, we're ready to have a good time.