We have snow in Kansas - for the first time in a while. Perhaps it is the snow, perhaps it is my visit to the JASNA website, or perhaps it is having finished one of my favorite pieces of literature that drives me to dust off my blogger gloves, update my template and start putting words on virtual paper.
Perhaps it is the snow.

"What we need is a good snow," said my husband. Tension is high. People are too caught up worrying about minutia. "We need something to bring us together." He is right. We needed a reminder that people are more important than details. Snow does that. Snow unifies.
Perhaps it is my visit to the JASNA website.

What is that? Well duh, she says....it's the Jane Austin Society of North America of which I am a card carrying member. Why? For the same reason I went out for track in high school, joined a sorority, became a mascot, let waiters choose my food and dance. Because I can. And because life is too short to spend time thinking about all the reasons to "not."
Perhaps it is having finished one of my favorite pieces of literature.

For the past month or so, I've been listening with rapt attention at the feet of Jack Crabb. I've loved dear and mystical Old Lodge Skins, grown up with the Human Beings, watched Caroline & Mrs. Pendrake with fascination, hunted buffalo, enjoyed Wild Bill Hickock as no one else will portray him, and revisited the Greasy Grass. This book speaks to me like only great literature can. It was a thrill to visit it again.
So, I find myself sitting here in front of my keyboard, coffee in hand, up early on a Saturday, contemplating Life. ...Writing here for the first time in a over a year and feeling very much like I've missed visiting with an old friend.